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Provision on organization and holding International Award for media representatives «Newsky Award — 2023»

Mission of Newsky Award: Spirituality. Agreement. Interfaith dialogue. Social Service.


  1. General Provisons


  • Public fund «United Charity Projects Evolution» jointly with the Association of Journalism of Kazakhstan announces International Media Award «Newsky Award» (hereinafter referred as – Award).for media representatives in Kazakhstan, as well as countries of near and far abroad.
  • The award is given to editorial journalists, young reporters and bloggers on social networks for professional presentation of materials on multi-vector foreign policy, diplomacy, interethnic and interregional harmony, values and relationships in the multicultural environment of Kazakhstan and other countries of the world, as well as for coverage of epoch-making events and spiritual values . The award is a testament to the recognition and encouragement of journalistic work.
  • Estimated coverage and geography of participating countries: Europe, North America, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan.
  • Organizer of the contest – United Charity Projects Evolution Public Foundation and Kazakhstan Journalism Academy.
  • This Regulation (hereinafter referred as Regulation) determines the procedure for organizing and holding the Prize, organizational and methodological support, procedure for participation and determining the winners, prize-winners.
  1. Aims and Goals of Award


  • Main aim of organizing and holding International Media Award «Newsky Award» (hereinafter referred as – Award) is to identify talented journalists and authors for the best materials, and encourage their merits in covering foreign policy issues and interregional harmony, cultural and spiritual values, as well as charitable and social activities that contribute to the development of Kazakhstan and the world community.


  • Objectives of the Awards


  • Identification, generalization and popularization of the best domestic and world examples of journalistic creativity;
  • Increasing motivation of media editorial offices and journalists for deep and comprehensive coverage of foreign policy issues, interregional harmony, cultural and spiritual values and relationships in Kazakhstan and other countries of the world;
  • Promtion, enhacing the prestige of journalist’s profession;
  • Supporting younger generations of the journalist’s.
  1. Procedure for conducting


  • Deadline for accepting applications – from 1st of April till 10th of Novemver 2023. Within the specified time frame it is necessary to submit an application with the provision of an author’s work on one of the declared topics. Following types of work are accepted for participation: published work, aired, published on the Internet in the period from January 1st 2023 to November 1st   All works are provided in electronic form including working links to publications in primary sources.
  • Evaluation of works and formation of shortlist – from 10th of November till 20th of November 2023.
  • Selection of Award finalists – from November 20th to November 25th
  • The solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates– 30th of November 2023. Award ceremony of the winners will be hold in offline format in Ritz Carlton Hotel, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.


  1. Terms of participation and nominations


  • The following are allowed to participate in Award: author’s works of journalists and bloggers published in print media, posted on TV and radio or on the Internet from January 1st 2023 to November 1st
  • Award can be attended by:
  • Journalists – authors (including freelance) mass media, registered on territory of Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad focused on a wide target audience and publishing mainly journalistic materials.
  • Authors of blogs (bloggers) in social media such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Telegram.)
  • Young journalists (students of the faculties of journalism and philology of universities)
    • Participation in the Award is initiated by the Participant through self-nomination or nomination by the media editors or by the organizer of the Award with the consent of material’s author.
    • No more than one application for each of the nominations from one Participant is submitted for the Award. One competitive material can be submitted for the Award in only one nomination.
    • A photo of the applicant and a link to a personal page on social networks must be attached to the author’s material
    • Participation in Award is free of charge and not requesting any contributions from participant’s side.
    • Award’s language – kazakh, russian, english.
  1. Contest nominations


  1. Prize is awarded to journalists (authors) in the following six categories:


Main nominations:


  1. « The Best Material on Foreign Policy and Cross-regional Dialogue»

The nomination considers materials covering Kazakhstan’s foreign policy and interregional dialogue (3 prizes).

  1. « The Best Material on Interfaith Harmony and Multicultural Relations»

The nomination considers materials covering the topics of interfaith harmony and multicultural relations in Kazakhstan (3 prizes).

  1. « The Best Material on Philanthropy, Business Social Responsibility»

Materials on charity and social responsibility of  business in Kazakhstan are considered in the nomination (3 prizes).

Special nominations:


  1. «The best material on spirituality»

Materials on morality, spirituality and universal values are considered in the nomination (3 prizes).

  1. Special nomination “Best young journalist” 2023

Nomination examines materials of young journalists (students of journalism and philology faculties of universities) covering materials on foreign policy and interregional dialogue, charity, social responsibility of business as well as interfaith harmony and multicultural relations (3 prizes).

  1. Special nomination “Best blog author in social media” 2023

Facebook Instagram, VKontakte, TikTok or other Internet sites covering materials on foreign policy and interregional dialogue, charity, social responsibility of business as well as interfaith harmony and multicultural relations (3 prizes) are considered in the nomination.

Scientific and methodological articles, textbooks, explanatory comments on the regulatory framework, scientific author’s research, methodological developments are not allowed to participate in the Award.

  1. Procedure for providing materials


6.1. Materials of the Participants in all nominations are provided in electronic form through the registration form on the Award website It is also possible to submit an application by sending a publication (link, screen) to e-mail: according to the form of the completed questionnaire which is Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation.

6.2. Mandatory Technical Requirements for the materials provided:

  • AUDIO – news stories (MP3 or WMA formats only) sound quality from 48 to 128 kbps. Duration not more than 5 minutes.
  • VIDEO — news stories (in AVI format). Duration not more than 10 minutes.
  • The file size is not more than 650 MB, sound quality in the video is 128 kbps, quality of the video (data transfer rate) not more than 1200 kbps, frame rate 25 frames/s.
  • PRINTED MEDIA – newspaper and magazines with the contest materials published in them (in PDF format, articles in PDF and Word format), an interactive link to the portal (the original source). Size – no more than 10,000 printed characters.
  • ONLINE MEDIA– electronic media, informational portals. Interactive link to the portal (the original source). Size – no more than 10,000 printed characters.
  • Materials submitted for the Award later than November 1st 2023 will NOT be accepted for consideration.
  • Materials received for the Award that meet the requirements of this Regulation are submitted to the Expert Council (jury of the Award) under the chairmanship of the Kazakhstan Academy President of Journalism Kozybayev Sagymbai Kabashevich.
  • Presence of technical malfunctions in the competition materials as well as non-compliance with the requirements of this Provision entails the rejection of the application from participation in the competition.
  • Organizers reserve the right not to explain reasons and not to inform the Participants about the rejection of the application.

Competitive works are not returned and not reviewed.

  1. Evaluation criteria


7.1. The main criterias for evaluating competitive works is their compliance with the Award’s theme: popularization and attracting public attention to topical issues related to professional coverage of foreign policy, interregional harmony, cultural values and relationships in the multicultural and multinational environment of Kazakhstan.

7.2. Criteria for evaluation of competitive works:

  • Relevance of materials posted in media
  • Reliability and information saturation
  • Compliance of materia style and form of presentation with its target audience
  • Topic’s depth of disclosure
  • Originality and expressiveness of the material presentation
  • Quality and compliance with modern trends in media design concepts
  • Relevance, creativity and effectiveness of the project concept (for TV and radio projects)
  1. Expert council


8.1. An Expert Committee is formed to evaluate the competitive works The Council (jury of the Award) which consists from Award’s organizers and representatives of the professional journalistic community, representatives of spiritual confessions.

8.2. The full composition of the competition jury will be announced two weeks before the ceremony.

  1. Copyright


9.1. Participant who submitted work for the Award is responsible for compliance with the copyright of the work participating in the Award.

9.2. By submitting work for the Award authors automatically give the Organizers the right to use the submitted material for non-commercial purposes (posting on the Internet, in print publications, on exhibition stands) in open access.

  1. Prize fund


10.1 The prize fund of the award consists of a commemorative statuette in the form of the Award symbol — a dove made of bronze on a serpentine stone stand and a breast badge made by famous Kazakh jewelers in yellow and white gold, as well as silver.

  1. Final provisions


11.1 Organizer represented by United Charity Projects Evolution Public Foundation reserves the right to terminate or temporarily suspend the Award ahead of schedule as he informs on the website The early completion or suspension of the Award cannot serve as a basis for the presentation of claims by the participants.

11.2 Organizer represented by United Charity Projects Evolution Public Foundation reserves the right to change and/or supplement the prize fund, the terms of the Award and the conditions of participation at any time as he informs on the website

11.3 Organizer represented by United Charity Projects Evolution Public Foundation reserves the right not to enter into written correspondence, oral negotiations and other contacts with Participants through any means and methods of communication except for the cases provided for by this Provision of the Award.

12.Contact information

  1. The collection and processing of applications is carried out by organizational Committee of United Charity Projects Evolution Public Foundation. The contest materials are accepted by e-mail: and through the official form on the website

Project Organizing Committee: Mobile., WhatsApp ++7 777 333 70 09

Application №1

To the Regulation on conducting

International Media Award «Newsky Award»» 2023

Application form

*Required fields to fill in

Applicant (Full name in block letters): *


Place of work (name of the media or blog platform):*


Media location address (country, region, city, district):*


Media category

  • Printed
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Online
  • Social network

Which nomination are you participating in:*

  • «The Best Material on Foreign Policy and Cross-regional Dialogue»
  • «The Best Material on Interfaith Harmony and Multicultural Relations»
  • «The Best Material on Philanthropy, Business Social Responsibility»
  •  «The best material on spirituality». Special nomination
  • «Special nomination “Best young journalist” 2023
  • «Special nomination “Best blog author in social media” 2023

Link to the competition work (if the material is in online format or download link):*


If your material is published in offline format please attach a file (not more than 100 MB in jpeg, .pdf, .png, .word, .avi.,  .mov, mp4 formats)


Email address: 


Mobile phone: 


For additional questions please contact: mobile phone: +7 777 333 70 09 (WhatsApp), email:

We wish you inspiration and good luck!

NEWSKY AWARD 2023 team


Applicant _______________________________________________________

(Full name, signature)

Date of filling in the application ___________________


Күні: 30.11.23

Өтетін орны: Ритц Карлтон Алматы Esentai Tower, Әл-Фараби даңғылы, 77

Уақыты: 14:00-19:00

14:00 – 14:30Қонақтардың жиналуы. Фойе аймағы
14:30 – 14:45 Залға шақыру
14:50 – 15:00Кештің салтанатты ашылуы
15:00 – 15:10Жүлде ұйымдастырушыларының құттықтау сөзі
15.10 – 15.15Ресейдің еңбек сіңірген өнер қайраткері Олег Николаевич Овчинниковтың жетекшілігімен Қазақстан Митрополиттік Округінің өнер көрсетуі
15.15Қазылар алқасы мүшелерін таныстыру
15:15 – 15:30Бірінші аталым «Сыртқы саясат және өңіраралық диалог туралы үздік материал»
15.30-15.35Абай облысы Семей қ. ББ “№3 Арнайы мектеп-интернаты” КММ «Сұлу Саз» фольклорлық ансамблі
15:35 –15:45Екінші аталым «Конфессияаралық келісім және көпмәдениетті қарым-қатынастар туралы үздік материал»
15:35 – 15:40Алматы қаласы “№4 Арнайы мектеп-интернаты” КММ «Наркескен» домбырашылар ансамблі
15:40 – 15:50Үшінші аталым «Қайырымдылық, бизнестің әлеуметтік жауапкершілігі туралы үздік материал»
16:00 – 16:05Абай облысы Семей қ. ББ “№3 Арнайы мектеп-интернаты” КММ «Жұлдыз» би тобының «Жасмин» биі
16:05 – 16:15Төртінші арнайы аталым «Руханият туралы үздік материал – Қазақстан Православие Шіркеуінің (ҚПШ) арнайы сыйлығы»
16.15 – 16:20Алматы қаласы «№4 Арнайы мектеп-интернаты» КММ «Ақ Көгершін» скрипкашылар ансамблі
16.20 – 16.30Бесінші аталым «Үздік жас журналист»
16.30 –16.35БҚО Орал қ. Көру қабілеті бұзылған балаларға арналған облыстық арнайы мектеп-интернаты «Nur-Naz» би ансамблі “Үкілі өрнек” қазақ биі
16.35-16.45Алтыншы аталым «Әлеуметтік желілердегі үздік блог авторы»
16.45 –16.50Абай облысы Семей қ. ББ “№3 Арнайы мектеп-интернаты” «Сырғалым» аспаптық тобы
16.50 – 17.00Жетінші аталым «Үздік видео»
17.00 –17.05БҚО Орал қ. Көру қабілеті бұзылған балаларға арналған облыстық арнайы мектеп-интернаты «Nur-Naz» би ансамблі "Прекрасная Жизнь"(Wonderful Life) заманауи биі
17.00 –17.05Сегізінші аталым «Бас редакторлар»
17.15 – 17.30Ләйла Қобыз – өнер көрсетуі
17.30-17.40Қорытынды сөз, Жалпы фото